5 Lerista Court, BIBRA LAKE WA 6163


836 sqm* Freehold Office/Warehouse

Industrial/Warehouse - BIBRA LAKE WA

Near new high truss office/warehouse includes a two storey office with ceiling tiles. recessed lighting, male and female amenities, shower and air conditioning. The warehouse features two compartments and is accessed via a large front roller door.

The rear yard is accessed via a roller door.

+ 190sqm* Office & amenities
+ 646sqm* Warehouse
+ Rear yard
+ 1,323sqm* Land
+ High truss
+ Shower
+ Lunch room
+ Rear yard
+ Freehold block
+ Security fencing

Asking Rent
$95,000pa + GST + Outgoings

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact the Leasing Agent.


Brodie Keay

Director, Head of Agency
0403 552 809

Property Features
  • Industrial/Warehouse
  • Land is 1,323 m²
  • Floor Area is 836 m²
  • Energy Rating 0.0
Commercial Features
Highlight 1

646sqm* Warehouse

Highlight 2

190sqm* Office and Amenities

Highlight 3

1,323sqm* Freehold Block

  • 17 Millrose Drive, MALAGA WA 6090

  • 2/37 Discovery Drive, BIBRA LAKE WA 6163

  • Level 1/1292 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005